I really love to eat. The sad thing is that I rarely take the time to eat something that is really yummy, but manage to overeat stuff that barely registers on the food radar. Why is that?
Oh, oh, wait! I know!
In my family, we have this strange value system that says, “If you enjoy it, then it isn’t work, and it doesn’t count.” Suffering is highly prized. I come from a long line of martyrs.
Hold on, there is a point, here.
So, if I eat something that I don’t enjoy, then I am not getting off easy. It doesn’t count against my martyr points. So, if I deny myself the Penne Gorgonzola and eat a bowl of cereal, even though the calorie counts might be similar, I am “working” by suffering through the cereal. Working = value. Cereal = increased value. Penne = pleasure = lower value. So, as long as I don’t enjoy the food it doesn’t count against me – even if it is not healthy or nutritious.
Ick! I don’t want to do the martyr bit.
I knew looking at the food was going to be a hard part of this whole challenge.
Soap Box of the Day: I am too tired to rant right now. I am so tired that I think I will simply curl up on the soap box and take a nap. Wake me when all is right with the world. Well, okay, then wake me up when the laundry is all put away.

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