All in all, I would have to say that the MegaChallenge is going very well. Sure, I have slacked some in my intensity and progress, but from what I gather that is typical. We all start out like gangbusters. It is the long-haul, day-after-day, month-after-month follow through that tends to get hard. So, the fact that I am still plugging along after 4 months of this fitness quest gives me great hope.
That… and the loss of another half pound. I am never this upbeat when I have stalled out! That puts me at 158 pounds – or 30 pounds gone since the start of the MegaChallenge. So, let’s move the car and pretend that no one notices that I haven’t worked out since Thursday. Okay? K.
Oh, and beefore I forget, check out Renee’s new site, Fatfighters. You won’t bee disappointed. 😉

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