Studies show that paying attention to the moments that bring you joy can ease depression, improve overall health, and contribute to longevity. Sounds good to me!

I've found that capturing these moments with my always-handy phone camera makes this practice an easy one to incorporate. If you start a collection of your own, please let me know!

Here are a few of my favorite "Happy Snaps."

Bliss in a Bowl

Cake 'n' Ice Cream

So, the other night we had friends over for dinner. They, very thoughtfully, brought an amazing chocolate cake and ice cream to go with it.

And we only ate about a quarter of it.

And they left the extras behind.

Sooooo, Ned Andrew brought me a bowl, you know, so it wouldn’t go to waste.

He’s a good boy.

Edna on Moral Support

Pansy Cane


Edna is always quick to point out that her cane does not indicate anything about her age or her vigor.

Then she highlights, in divine detail, its 101 amazing uses — her favorites being:

  • nabbing small children from precarious positions
  • catching the elevator at the last possible moment
  • crocheting rope into the perfect hammock when faced with a sunny afternoon without a proper chaise lounge, fainting couch, or magic carpet at hand.

By the time she arrives at the end of her list, you’ve begun to wonder how, exactly, you have survived even a single hour without one of these essential thingamajigs.

Edna on Contact Sports

Rug Beating


While she absolutely understood the urge to knock the crud out of something, Edna never figured out how hitting somebody did them much of any good.


Now beating a rug with a broom?


The old girl figured that was about all the whoopin’ anyone ever needed.

Homeschooling: Literature Appreciation Class

Literature Appreciation Class by Gina Lynette

Gina’s Cooking: Beans and Cornbread

Beans and Cornbread


There are days when you I really want comfort food. Today was one of those.

Good thing Ned Andrew was in the mood for comfort food, too, because after my baby sister put the idea in my head I got a hankerin’ for a good ole batch of butter beans and cornbread.

The cornbread recipe is my Grandmother Walker’s. I’m pretty sure she picked it up in North Carolina back before phones were cordless. It’s a doctored up version of a Jiffy mix (we like our cornbread sweet) with cream corn, sour cream, eggs, and oil. It’s baked in a cast-iron skillet that requires two hands to lift.

The butter bean recipe is a concoction I’ve made up over time. It has the basics, though — beans, onion, butter, pepper, salt, and “flavorings” as my Granny called them. Some folks like pork in their beans. I don’t eat pork, so I put dry mustard, parsley, marjoram, paprika, a little Tony’s if I want some heat, and keep adding stuff until I like them.

I was in the mood for some chow chow, but we didn’t have any. So, I flavored this batch pretty high. Ned Andrew came to the table with his hot sauce and mustard but never opened them. These beans had some kick.

I have to say that there’s nothing more satisfying than a bowl of hot butter beans and cornbread. Sure, I like fancier fare, too. But tonight? This and only this would do.


Grandmother Walker's Cornbread

Clicking this recipe will make it bigger.


Gina's Butter Beans

Clicking this recipe will make it bigger.

Happy Snap: Floating Pretty Ceiling Stuff

Taco Mamacita Decor -- Happy Snap by Gina Lynette

Just as she was about to attempt to catch a falling star — and perhaps swing from a chandelier while she was at it — Edna remembered herself.


Taking a deep breath and regaining her composure, she yelled, “Waaaahoooooooo!” at the precise moment of take off.


Edna is a trained professional. Please do not try this when you visit Taco Mamacita — regardless of how much you love their sky decorations. Have some risky sweet potato fries and a dangerous mango taco instead.

Okay, fine. Yell, “Waaahooooooooo!” but please don’t hurt yourself.

Happy Snap: Champ’s Tree

Champ and Tree


Champ is happy to nap just about anywhere, but his favorite spot is under our apple tree. Sometimes he even puts his head up and barks at stuff, but only if it’s really important stuff.

Happy Snap: Serving Suggestion

Serving Suggestion

Without the helpful Serving Suggestion on the packaging, Edna would never have discovered her now-famous recipe for “Blue Bowl Sugar a la Wooden Spoon.”

Edna’s Up To Something

Edna often baffles me… but no more than I do her.

After I left her alone yesterday, the plot thickened: Edna dug out her secret weapons – The Dueling Singers – and put them to work.

Edna 3

Undaunted by reverse-refusing machines, Edna pressed onward.

“I never did like going backwards.”

Edna 4

 Edna’s trusty assistant kept vigil for weather and other hindrances to her progress.

Champ Helping

“Miss Edna,” I whined, “it isn’t working!”

Get a Bigger Hammer

“Of course not, dear,” she smiled,”you need a bigger hammer.”

Book Sparkles

Edna believes that you are never too old for purple eye shadow and that no mission is complete without some sparkles.

Magic Book

“It’s lovely. What is it?”

“It’s a magic book of recipes & maps — ideas for your journey.”

Empty Map Book

“But… it’s empty.”

“Well, how was I supposed to know where you’d be going?”

Edna's Magical Map Book

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