While this isn’t a tax deductible donation, and we aren’t a charity of any sort, some folks asked if they could just chip in. So, here’s a button for that. I’ll watch what comes in this way very closely and if we are getting near our goal, I’ll remove the button and let y’all know!
Go, Lizzy, Go!

Are you gonna add a progress meter or something so we can see how you are progressing?
Funneh you should ask, Mr Web Guru Friend! I tried to use a Donation Can widget/pluginnity thing, but it wouldn’t play nicely without bothering the troll under the bridge. If you can point to/install something I’m happy to update it!
As of right this here minute, we have $396 collected in the Launch Lizzy fund!
I’m astounded. Honestly. I put the donation option up because I was asked to… I never in a bazillion years dreamed folks would give cash money toward our purchase of Lizzy’s ride.
Just so you know, I burst into tears every other donation and do a yeeeehaaaaw! the other times we get a sweet note and a donation from a friend. I have *the best* friends on the planet. No contest.
Wow! good for you! Now, let’s see if we can get that meter moving a little faster!!!
Thanks, Robert. 🙂 It’s already blowing my mind how fast it’s moving. Of course, if it’s inspired by Lizzy on that Scooter it is rightfully a blurrrrr. Zoooom!