On The Road Again…

I am off on another business trip, but I need to move the car before I go.

Yeppers. After a year (slight exaggeration) at 159 lbs, I have dropped another pound to 156. I am wearing size 10 jeans, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here’s hoping it isn’t a train.

No, I have not managed to get to the gym. I thought I might try to fit in a swim, but getting ready to leave town with a sore back has proven difficult. Ah well… There is always next week.

And Robert, you are right, 157 lbs at 5′ 9″ is pretty svelte. 156 is even a little better – thus my goal of 149 lbs. For my height, it is a pretty decent weight. And I am so, so, so close to getting there!

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About Gina Lynette

I have been called a, "PollyAnna, sugar-coated idealist." I like to think of myself as more optimistic than that.

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